Cryotherapy treatment

Our Packages

Cryotherapy Packages



2 sessions

(First Timers Only)



1 session


Jump Start


5 sessions

$55 per session 

Recovery  Pack


10 sessions

$45 per session 

Platinum Series


Monthly Unlimited

(as little as $15 per session)

Gold Series


8 Times per month

(as little as $33 per session)

Silver Series


4 Times per month

(as little as $42 per session)

Affordable Packages

Take a look at what cryotherapy helps with...


Reduces inflammation, pain, warming effect, improves mobility & joint function.

Chronic Pain

Helps with headaches, back pain, phantom and stump pains, osteoporosis, improves mobility.


Reduces blood pressure, calms breathing, decreases muscular tension.


Inflammatory signs are reduced with localized treatment and paired with cold laser therapy.

Multiple Sclerosis

Cryo regulates muscular actions, inhibits inflammation & provides pain relief.

Muscular Dysbalances

Helps balance force and elasticity in the muscles surrounding your joints.

Depressive Conditions

Improvement in mood, a deeper sense of relaxation and euphoria.


Erase pain memory, increase muscle relaxation, reduce inflammation, ease sleep.


Relieves itching, helps heal skin patches, soothes the skin.

Spinal Syndromes

Cold treatment can promote standard therapies very effectively, and replace them sometimes.

Muscular Spasm

Soothes nerve endings, increases blood flow, suppress spasms.

Blunt Joint Trauma

Promotes cell repair, decreases pain, stimulates muscle repair.

Skin Disorders

Cryo relieves itching, helps heal sores, awakens your skin and promotes cell repair.

Central Fatigue

Boosts energy, heightens your senses & increases your metabolic rate.

Chronic Headaches & Migraine

Increases blood & oxygen flow to the brain, stimulates endorphins.


Cryo works well to relieve the pain from degenerative connecting tissues.

Bronchial Asthma

Asthmatics often describe their stay in the cold chamber as highly recuperating.

Sleep Disorders

Whole body cold application can act directly and indirectly to improve sleep behaviour.

Circulatory Disorders

Cryotherapy immediately improves blood circulation, body-wide.

Mental Disorders

Cryo can elevate mood, level excited states, and increase activity levels.

Aatopic Diseases

There is a positive influence of Cryo on the symptoms of Neurodermatitis & Asthma.

Have questions? Call us today! 